Taxis in Naples
While it's easy to get around Naples on foot or by public transport, you may sometimes find it easier to travel by taxi. Find fares and top tips here!
Official taxis in Naples are white and just like in other cities, you can catch a taxi from set stops or flag one down in the street. They use a meter, but be aware that there are a number of additional charges for various different extras.
- Starting fare: € 3.50 (US$ 3.81)
- Starting fare on Sundays and public holidays: € 6.50 (US$ 7.08).
- Every 48 metres of the journey: € 0.05 (US$ 0.05).
Additional charges
- Each piece of luggage: € 0.50 (US$ 0.54).
- Trips starting from the airport (for fixed prices see our Naples Airport guide): € 5 (US$ 5.45).
- Trips to the airport: € 4 (US$ 4.36).
Prices increase on Sundays, public holidays and at night.
Phone numbers
If you'd like to book a taxi in advance or can't find one in the street, you can call one of Naples' main taxi companies via the following phone numbers:
- Consortaxi: +39 0812222
- Consorzio Taxi Napoli: +39 081 8888
- Radio Taxi Napoli: +39 081 5564444
- Radio Taxi La Partenope: +39 081 0101

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