Prices & travel costs in Naples

Prices & travel costs in Naples

Are restaurants expensive? How much does a coffee cost? How much money should you bring for a few days in Naples? Discover how much it costs to travel to Italy and plan ahead to save money on your trip!

While Naples is as charming, lively and full of sights to see as any other place in “The Boot”, it is much cheaper to travel to. As always, we recommend booking your accommodation in advance as this often gets you signifcant discounts and offers. As a rule, transport is relatively affordable, and it is possible to find restaurants to suit all budgets.

A few examples

See the below list to get an idea for average prices of things you might buy in Munich:

Food & drink

  • A coffee: 1 (US$ 1.05)
  • A beer (500ml): 2 (US$ 2.10) -  4 (US$ 4.20).
  • Panini: 3 (US$ 3.15) -  4 (US$ 4.20).
  • Slice of pizza 2 (US$ 2.10) -  4 (US$ 4.20).


  • Single metro ticket: 1 (US$ 1.05).
  • 1 day transport pass (central zone): 4.50 (US$ 4.72).
  • Taxi from the airport to the city centre: 20 (US$ 21.01) (approximately).


  • Single bed in a hostel dorm room: 15 (US$ 15.75) -  20 (US$ 21.01).
  • Double room in a mid-range hotel in the city centre 75 (US$ 78.79) - 150 (US$ 157.58).
  • Luxury hotel room: from 200 (US$ 210.10).