General information on Naples
Learn everything you need to know for your trip to Naples, from visa requirements and currency to language tips and which plugs to bring! We'll try and answer all of your most frequently asked questions.
General Information
Naples in numbers
Capital of the region of Campania, Naples is the third largest city in Italy after Rome and Milan. It has a population of over 960,000 inhabitants, and more than 4.4 million if you count the wider metropolitan area.
Located on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea in southern Italy, Naples is a city surrounded by stunningly beautiful places of interest like Capri, the Amalfi Coast and Mount Vesuvius.
Like most of Europe, the official currency of Naples is the Euro (€).
Just as in the rest of Europe, if you are an EU citizen and would like free healthcare in Naples you will need the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If you are from the UK you can apply by clicking on this link. Citizens from other countries should check to see if there is a similar healthcare agreement between their home nation and Italy. In all cases, you should make sure you have comprehensive travel insurance with health coverage.
Useful contact numbers
- Emergencies: 118.
- Municipal police: 113.
- Fire services: 115.
- Italy prefix: +39.
- Naples prefix: 81.